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  • What are "SLOW MOE'D Moorish portals" in comparison to "Moorish portals"?

    Above is a screenshot of the video or SLOW MOE'D Moorish portal Logic - Upgrade (SLOW MOE'D) Cowboy Bebop『AMV』 end screen on YouTube. Moorish portals regularly allude to architectural components found in structures affected by Moorish design. The maxim "Moorish" relates to the verifiable dark-skinned occupants of North Africa, the Maghreb, the Iberian Landmass, Sicily, & Malta during the Medieval times. However, etymologically the term "Moorish" according to David MacRitchie in his book 'Ancient and Modern Britons: Volume One' has relevance not only in medieval times but in the present as well according to English. Moorish science is portrayed not only by geometrical designs, horseshoe arches, & elaborate stonework as mentioned by Stanley Lane-Poole in his work 'The Story of the Moors in Spain' but also by speculative masonry in the present era by the philosophical contributions of Noble Drew Ali in his 'The Holy Koran of the Moorish Holy Temple of Science'. The scholar Ivan Van Sertima also verifies the mental & physical Moorish contributions to Europe & its influence on the rest of the world in his book 'African Presence in Early Europe'. Above is a picture provided by Pexels of the pyramid (Mer Khut) of Zoser (Djoser), a creation of the Blacks (Egyptians, Moors, etc.) as stated by Robert Bauval in his book 'The Orion Mystery: Unlocking the Secrets of the Pyramids'. SLOW MOE'D Moorish portals however deals with the metaphysical aspect of Moorish science as opposed to the physical architecture, i.e., Moorish arch, Mer Khut or pyramids, etc. by striving for spiritual aspiration. An example of this is described by the Priest, Author, lecturer, poet, philosopher, musician, publisher, counselor & spiritual preceptor Muata Ashby in his book 'The Serpent Power: The Ancient Egyptian Mystical Wisdom of the Enlightening Life Force'. SLOW MOE'D Moorish portals is a step towards a future where the idea of manipulating video & sound takes listeners & watchers to different levels of consciousness, introducing them to new forms of wisdom, thoughts, healing & other spiritual benefits. Sebai Muata Ashby goes on to mention in his book 'EGYPTIAN MYSTERIES: The Priests and Priestesses of Ancient Egypt' that in Ancient Egypt, theater & music were used for spiritual education & to maintain harmony between the individual & the universe, the soul & the Divine. The author Billy Carson also touches on the subject of the use of mysticism in sound in his book 'Compendium Of The Emerald Tablets'. By understanding these principles, SLOW MOE'D uses this knowledge for you via our portals (videos) & clothing, check out our SLOW MOE'D portals & also read about it in our post 'How to use SLOW MOE'D portals?'. Above is a picture of Moorish portals or doorways by Moorish portals, or entryways, are frequently enhanced with fancy carvings & embellishing components, exhibiting the talented craftsmanship of the period as mentioned in 'The Story of the Moors in Spain' as Stanley Lane-Poole gives accurate descriptions of the architecture throughout Spain, however, this architecture can be found all over the world as can be seen in our article 'The Allure of SLOW MOE’D Esoteric Clothing and Streetwear'. Above is a picture of a large mosaic sculpture resembling a portal or doorway created by local artists in Houston, Texas. Directly & indirectly influenced by Moorish influence. Photo by Morrice Kennard, CEO of SLOW MOE'D LLC. These gateways act as the entrances to different structures, like royal residences, mosques, & other strict designs, & they assume a huge part in mirroring the social & creative articulations of the time. Stanley Lane-Poole mentions in 'The Story of the Moors in Spain' how after the Moors were expelled due to Ferdinand & Isabella, & of the empire of Charles V, Spain has grovelled ever since in terms of arts, sciences, learning, & refined enlightenment. Moorish design affected the advancement of Spanish & European civilization & engineering, with its persuasions obvious in different designs all through the district & the world. The transaction of calculation, balance, & perplexing plans in Moorish portals keeps on moving engineers & craftsmen towards discoveries in time & will continue to do so.

  • Moorish Magic in Modern Times

    Above is a picture of Moorish magic expressed on cotton clothing SLOW MOE'D "720 degrees of Wisdom" Magic has existed in written human history since the times of the construction of the Djoser pyramid (circa 2600 B.C.) in Saqqara by the magician priest Imhotep in ancient Kemet (Egypt). That very structure is mathematically aligned to astronomical principles according to various scholars from Robert Bauval, John Anthony West, and René Adolphe Schwaller de Lubicz. Each of said scholars even suggested that magic existed since the time of the construction of the sphinx of Giza which has been dated to predate 11,000 B.C. by R. A. Schwaller de Lubicz and backed by John Anthony West in his book Serpent In The Sky and archaeologist Robert M. Schoch. According to the historian David MacRitchie, even the jugglers, fortune-tellers, and mountebanks of the country side of Scotland whom were considered Moors, Picts, Gypsies, etc. before 711 A.D. carried books of spells; there has always existed magic whether one chooses to hide this fact or not. Left is a Statuette of Imhotep, 664–30 BC The hermetic texts of Hermes Trismegistus of The Kybalion—which is really Kemetic text of Djehuty (Thoth) of ancient Kemet—states that the universe is mental and that "Mental Transmutation is really the 'Magic' of which the ancient writers had so much to say in their mystical works, and about which they gave so few practical instructions." Even going back to the heka chants sung by the priests and priestesses of ancient Kemet as mentioned by the scholar Muata Ashby in his book Egyptian Mysteries Vol. 3: The Priests and Priestesses of Ancient Egypt. Above magical amulets of Kmt displayed at the San Antonio Museum of Art (SAMA) These modern times are rallying on the movement of Moorish magic (Kemetic magic) or as one would say according to the book Ancient and Modern Britons Vol. 1 by David MacRitchie, black art, black magic, dark arts, etc. Alchemy which is the predecessor of chemistry comes from Alkebulan (African) science. Both words possess the word "Chem" which comes from "Khem" which meant dark in Kemet (Egypt). Moorish magic can range from the use of special effects by using green or blue screens in cinematography to animated slowed alternative reality #ASAR portals created by SLOW MOE'D. Above is a picture of Moorish Jester alternative SLOW MOE'D logo, Jesters which were considered to use magic according to David MacRitchie. Ignorance of the past is no excuse to reject the knowledge pasted down for over 30 centuries, that is, unless the knowledge be lost by deluges as suggested by Plato's Timaeus through the story of Solon and the Egyptian priest Sais. However, the current African "black" Americans in the diaspora 2023 are ignorant to their past of Moorish erudition and this is one of the various reasons why I'm writing this article. Many Africans in the diaspora do not understand what the word Moor means etymologically and how it relates to those Africans in the worldwide diaspora. According to scholars like Joel Augustus Rogers, David MacRitchie, and Ivan Van Sertima the word Moor comes from the Greek word Mauros which meant any dark skinned, dark complexioned or swarthy individual. So according to history, one calling themselves black, negro, colored, African American, Afro American, etc. in the western hemisphere are considered a North American "Moor" according to the English language as stated by the historian David MacRitchie in his book Ancient and Modern Britons Vol. 1, page. 277. The individuals calling themselves black, negro, colored, African American, Afro American, etc. in the western hemisphere are ignorant of their Moorish history and thus the incidents of slavery and colonialization has acted as not a natural deluge but a man-made deluge to bar knowledge and history from the very descendants of the originators of magical teachings by use of distortion and propaganda. This is not to mention the knight orders established against the mediaeval ancestral Moors created to defeat them during that era and that are still present today along with the freemasonic orders. SLOW MOE'D uses Moorish magic by sticking to the principles of ancient Kemetic/Moorish—I use the "/" because they are literally the same meaning dark—philosophy and diving into the cosmic mind of every individual, after all, "The ALL is in the ALL" according to Hermetic philosophy derived from Greek philosophy which is Egyptian/Kemetic philosophy as suggested by the scholar George G. M. James in his book Stolen Legacy. The use of spiritual aspiration as described by Dr. Muata Ashby in his vast bibliography of ancient tantra yoga, hatha yoga, etc. can amplify ones use in Moorish magic especially in this modern day, however, there are distractions to move people away from such knowledge. The end result of Moorish magic in the modern day is often rejected by the counterintelligence, skeptics, cynics, uninformed, etc. as stated by John Anthony West in his book Serpent In The Sky or Muata Ashby in his book Egyptian Mysteries Vol. 3: The Priests and Priestesses of Ancient Egypt. Below Kemetic mdw ntr (Medu Neter) or divine speech or hieroglyphs placed behind glass at the San Antonio Museum of Art All in all, Moorish magic in modern times is in a constant battle with oppressive forces both physical and spiritual. However, first those that are ignorant to the denotative meaning of what the word Moor means etymologically must acknowledge their lack of light (knowledge) and not criticize before analyzing.

  • How to use SLOW MOE'D portals?

    Above A mobile device mounted to a bike showing a SLOW MOE’D portal via Wi-Fi hotspot 2023 Once the individual has immersed oneself with the mindfulness of SLOW MOE’D, consciously or subconsciously they’ve already used a portal to another universe or alternate reality. According to the mystical wisdom of the book ‘The Kybalion’, “The universe is mental”. Taking this hermetic philosophy into account, SLOW MOE’D is doing in fact that. Whether you are traveling to a location in your physical body and/or simply trying to go to the black dot of melanin in your pineal gland as suggested by the scholar Dr. Richard King in his book ‘MELANIN: A Key To Freedom’. The universe is one, not separate, “the ALL is in the ALL”. Richard King, M. D., goes on the explain in his book how the black dot of melanin in the brain can be used as a doorway—or portal in my sense, as the Latin porta (“gate”)—to reach higher levels of consciousness according to the ancient wisdom of the Kemetians (Kemetyu) or Moorish peoples of Alkebulan (Africa). Maybe one is attempting to use these portals to get from point A to point B by dematerializing? Well as of the year 2023 we haven’t achieved this feat yet due to lack of investors in the company. Read our article on ‘Unlocking the Future: Why You Should Invest in SLOW MOE’D Moorish Portal Pioneering’ for us to achieve our intermediate goals faster. Nikola Tesla , the renowned scientist had the same problem of finance when dealing with J. P. Morgan according to Telsa’s biography. Are you traveling by foot, donkey, bike, skateboard, or plane for that matter? The use of SLOW MOE’D portals here can get one to their destination with the power of meditation, vibrations, and mantras from the various visuals to sounds from both groups of artists that can put the individual(s) using the portals into a hypnotic state to accomplish their tasks faster or pass the time. Above using a SLOW MOE’D portal for meditative vibrations and chants in a vehicle. While dancing, exercising, or using yoga, one can have the SLOW MOE’D portals playing in the background. Above Morrice, CEO of SLOW MOE’D LLC dancing with cat in front of portal. Taking all this into account one can choose to incorporate the fashion of SLOW MOE’D esoteric clothing into their everyday life and bring it to our 3-dimensional universe. Check out our fashion at and shop with us to get the whole experience of SLOW MOE’D portals and help achieve even higher levels of consciousness in those perceiving the brand. Above The piece ‘SLOW MOE'D "Wadjit-Buto"’ available here Not only are individuals able to use the portals for the realm of time and space but also in the spiritual realm. Spirit doesn’t mean terrifying ghosts or demons but breath as in the air that we breathe. The common misconception of the meaning of spirit is due to connotative linguistics which changes the meaning of a word over time, however, denotative linguistics keeps the words original meaning the same. SLOW MOE’D portals seeks to use the visuals and vibration from the artists in both fields to send viewers and/or listeners to different universes whether it’s the use of visuals, lyrics, clothing, etc. all levels can be interpreted different ways so everyone may not properly grasp how to use the wisdom that is applied in these areas. Only by constant study and properly sought knowledge can one acknowledge the spiritual energy taking place. These portals can be used as a form of escapism to a world of creativity. Maybe it’s a Monday? Maybe you have school tomorrow? Maybe you have homework? Individuals browsing SLOW MOE’D playlists on a bus—link here:—can escape to these portals mentally and get to their destinations faster by passing the time using SLOW MOE’D portals. They can be like yoga practices by the vibration, mantras, and chants that each portal gives through the various artists works. One can even enjoy a meal from Uber Eats or DoorDash while watching the latest SLOW MOE’D portals released. This article is only the beginning stages. The power is at your fingertips as of 2023, just think of where the future portals will take you.

  • SLOW MOE'D: A Mystical Odyssey Through Alternative Realities and Creative Alchemy

    Above Illustration of a Moor opening a portal created by Morrice, CEO of SLOW MOE’D LLC. In the vast landscape of digital content, where creators constantly fight for attention, there emerges a unique and mysterious force known as SLOW MOE'D. SLOW MOE'D is not merely an online and/or web-based presence yet a captivating entrance into a realm of creativity, mysticism, and transformation. The founder possesses a mystic ability enabling them to transport observers, i.e., listeners, watchers, etc. minds and/or perspectives into different dimensions, alternative realities, and breathtaking multiverses through a series of mesmerizing videos, aptly named "portals." At the heart of SLOW MOE'D's art lies an unmatched ability for reimagining stories. They take the original story or plot of various media forms, such as animation music video (AMV), movies music video (MMV), gaming music video (GMV), and that's only the tip of the iceberg, and mix them with a new point of view. This creative alchemy is achieved through the cunning use of music and lyrics from various artists, transforming these videos into immersive experiences that defy conventional storytelling in modern times. Imagine watching one of your favorite animation, movie, and/or game, but as you delve deeper into the “portals” created by SLOW MOE'D, you find yourself submerged in an entirely new story, guided by carefully curated soundtracks, some including verses or solely melodies that seamlessly weaves together with the visuals. This transformation is what sets SLOW MOE'D apart— the capacity to create narratives that are both emotionally resonant and visually captivating. Above SLOW MOE’D logo, resembles a cartouche (shen) which in ancient Kemet (Egypt) meant a rope of light. Symbolically used to represent a “portal”. In any case, SLOW MOE'D offers more than just a fresh take on familiar stories. These videos are gateways to extraordinary experiences. Every portal, with its unique narrative twist and creative combination, sends the viewer on a captivating excursion into a multiverse. Here, alternate realities, augmented realities, and entire universes await exploration. The observer becomes an active participant in the storytelling process, as the boundaries between fiction and reality intertwine, creating a profound connection between the audience and the content. What truly distinguishes SLOW MOE'D is the holistic nature of these experiences. Viewers are treated not only to visually pleasing aesthetics but also to a wealth of knowledge through symbolic means. This knowledge is seamlessly integrated into the video’s “portals”, ensuring that each journey is as intellectually stimulating as it is visually captivating. It's a valuable chance to expand one's points of view and gain insight into the vast expanse of human creativity and wisdom. Above Morrice, CEO of SLOW MOE’D LLC opening a portal in the video Moorish Portals celebrating 600 subscribers on the YouTube platform. Additionally, SLOW MOE'D grasps the force of music and sound. The painstakingly selected music and lyrics enhance the emotional depth of each portal, creating what must be depicted as an "eargasmic" experience. The cooperative energy between visuals, music, and story invites viewers and listeners to embark on a sensory adventure that resonates deep within their spirits. Yet, SLOW MOE'D's main goal reaches out past creating captivating content. They are likewise committed to sharing ancient Moorish/Kemetic wisdom—a gift to their audience that goes beyond the digital realm. This ancient knowledge, steeped in history and spirituality, serves as a beacon or light, assisting people with exploring the complexities of the modern world. In a time when ancient wisdom is often ignored and overlooked, SLOW MOE'D invites observers to rediscover its profound relevance in the modern age. To join this mystical journey and drench yourself in the realm of SLOW MOE'D, simply click the subscribe button through this link and be prepared to be transported to realms beyond imagination. The SLOW MOE'D community isn't simply a detached crowd; it is an aggregate of voyagers, joined by a hunger for imagination, fashion, knowledge, and spiritual enlightenment. Visit the SLOW MOE'D universe at and explore the depth of innovativeness, astuteness, and creative mind. With each portal, SLOW MOE'D invites you to embark on a groundbreaking odyssey where truths are reclassified, knowledge is abundant, and the senses are awakened. In a digital age soaked with content, SLOW MOE'D stands as a guide of creativity and mysticism—a reminder that art has the power to transcend boundaries and elevate the human spirit. It's a journey that beckons you to leave the ordinary behind and step into the extraordinary. So, click that subscribe button and let SLOW MOE'D lead you on a remarkable odyssey through the portals of possibility.

  • Does Video Games Cause Violence?

    There have been many open deliberations about whether video games do or don't cause brutality. Many individuals trust video games are the fundamental purposes of wrongdoing and brutality. In spite of the fact that there isn't sufficiently only proof to demonstrate that computer games do cause viciousness; individuals still have a tendency to trust they do. I trust that computer games don't cause savagery. My reasons are on the grounds that there are different elements connected to savagery other than computer games, there isn't sufficient confirmation to demonstrate that computer games do cause viciousness and that brutality, all things considered, would have soared if computer games played a part. There have been different cases that computer games assume a part in savage exercises and rough conduct. Computer games are generally going to be rebuked for shooting binges, thefts, and homicides on the grounds that the general population that conferred the rough act(s) likes computer games. Different variables of brutality can be that the general population can be discouraged, fixated, pushed, or only a psycho. Individuals have a tendency to trust that computer games cause savagery simply in light of the rough game play depicted in them. Some computer games aren't savage by any means, however just excessively difficult so they cause disappointment which prompts animosity. In the chapter "The Effect of Violent Video Games on Aggression: Is It More Than Just the Violence?": “Experimental research has shown that playing violent video games produces higher levels of aggressive cognition, aggressive affect, physiological arousal, and aggressive behavior (in the short-term) than non-violent video games” (Adachi and Willoughby). Although video games cause a rise in aggression, there are still other factors. The columbine shooting for example, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold enjoyed playing video games. The columbine shooting was dared to be caused by the diversion DOOM. After further examination; it was discovered that there could have been numerous elements to the savage slaughter. Components like tormenting, discouragement, music, and different things. According to Sandra G. Boodman “The link between bullying and school violence has attracted increasing attention since the 1999 rampage at Colorado's Columbine High School. That year, two shotgun-wielding students, both of whom Peterson said had been identified as gifted and who had been bullied for years, killed 13 people, wounded 24 and then committed suicide. A year later an analysis by officials at the U.S. Secret Service of 37 premeditated school shootings found that bullying, which some of the shooters described ‘in terms that approached torment,’ played a major role in more than two-thirds of the attacks.” (“Gifted and Tormented”). Another example of how other factors besides video games playing a role in violence would be the 2012 Aurora shooting. James Holmes played non-violent video games such as Guitar Hero. He also was obsessed with The Dark Knight character Joker. His violent actions weren’t linked to games but to his mental illness and his fixation on the movie character which are two factors besides video games. In the research article “Cultural Effects of Cinematic Violence: Private Ryan and The Dark Knight”: “There is no question that violent entertainments shape popular attitudes toward violence. But do they really make the culture as a whole more violent? Can they work to make it less violent? … It outlines an alternative “ecological” approach and tests it by examining two movies that treat violence in strikingly different fashions: The Dark Knight (2008) and Saving Private Ryan (1998). It tests empirically whether and how Saving Private Ryan actually changes college students' attitudes toward violence, and summarizes the best current psychological models of the causal connection between violent thoughts and violent behavior” (Eitzen). The article concludes that violent movies can impose violent thoughts and actions. It is not how the movies show the amount of violence but how it is utilized. There is no evidence that video games do cause violent activities or behavior in our society. In conclusion of the article called “Failure to Demonstrate That Playing Violent Video Games Diminishes Prosocial Behavior”: “We failed to find evidence that playing video games affects prosocial behavior … It is therefore important that speculation is rigorously tested and findings replicated. Here we fail to substantiate conjecture that playing contemporary violent video games will lead to diminished prosocial behavior” (Tear and Nielsen). If there is no evidence of whether video games do or do not cause violence, where does it originate? According to the chapter “Causal or Spurious: Using Propensity Score Matching to Detangle the Relationship between Violent Video Games and Violent Behavior”: “The link between video games and violence are not fully understood. The result of a test done with 6567 8th graders on whether video games provoke violence was not found” (Gunter and Daly). In my opinion, if there is no evidence to back up what people assume it doesn’t matter what they say. When I was a child my mother and father allowed me to play violent video games. I enjoyed playing video games and it was one of my favorite hobbies and still to this day I enjoy playing them. I had anger management problems when I was younger. I got into plenty of fights at school because of my anger issues. Video games calmed me down and didn’t make me a more violent person, I was violent already. So when I pull up articles about how video games are linked to violence I laugh because I have evidence that they are not. In the article “A Plea for Concern Regarding Violent Video Games”: “…violent video games was not any stronger than the evidence showing harm from other violent video media and therefore the proposal from California was actually ‘under inclusive’ because it did not propose to restrict those other violent video media such as Saturday morning cartoons” (Murray). There is no evidence to be found that games do cause violence. If video games do cause violence, why has violence been decreasing for the past two decades? In the chapter “The Big Fear” it describes that video games are linked to people being alone and that video games make the people playing them have poor interpersonal skills (“Grand Theft Childhood”). This chapter says that because of the youth violence has decreased over the past decades, you would have a better chance at getting struck by lightning besides being shot at school. Violence would have been off the charts if video games really played a role. Video game actually has been improving our society and our defense. For instance, the military uses computer games to prepare fighters to set them up for battle. The troopers furnish themselves with lances which are intended to wreck foe planes, structures, and tanks. According to Karin Orvis, video games are increasingly being used for military training. One assumption is that the majority of soldiers play video games regularly … Given that cadets may be a special population; this research examines the frequency of video game usage across the U.S. Army. Results indicate that fewer than 43% of over 10,000 soldiers surveyed play videogames at least weekly” (“Are Soldiers Gamers?”). Another article called “An Examination of the Role Individual Differences Play in video game–Based Training” mentions that video games are emerging as an increasingly popular training tool in the military. Given this trend, it is important to investigate factors that maximize the effectiveness of this training medium (Orvis, Horn, and Belanich). So video games can be beneficial in some ways other than causing violence. All in all, I trust that computer games don't cause viciousness however the individual behind the remote does. I have the actualities to go down what I've said from outside academic sources. There are different components that prompt savagery and not simply video diversions. I trust that the contention to whether they do or don't cause viciousness will keep on expanding. There is no genuine response until further notice. References Adachi, Paul JC, and Teena Willoughby. "The Effect of Violent Video Games on Aggression: Is It More Than Just the Violence?." Aggression and violent behavior 16.1 (2011): 55-62. Boodman, Sandra G. "Gifted and Tormented." The Washington Post. May 16, 2006. Eitzen, Dirk. "Cultural Effects of Cinematic Violence: Private Ryan and The Dark Knight." Projections 7.1 (2013): 3-24. Gunter, Whitney D., and Kevin Daly. "Causal or Spurious: Using Propensity Score Matching to Detangle the Relationship between Violent Video Games and Violent Behavior." Computers in Human Behavior 28.4 (2012): 1348-1355. Kutner, L. and Olson, C. “The Big Fear.” Grand Theft Childhood: The Surprising Truth About Violent Video Games and What Parents Can Do, (2008) 8-9. Print. Murray, John P., Barbara Biggins, Edward Donnerstein, Roy W. Menninger, Michael Rich, and Victor Strasburger. "A Plea for Concern Regarding Violent Video Games." Mayo Clinic proceedings. Mayo Clinic. Vol. 86. No. 8. Mayo Foundation, 2011. Orvis, K. A., Moore, J. C., Belanich, J., Murphy, J. S., & Horn, D. B. "Are soldiers gamers? Videogame usage among soldiers and implications for the effective use of serious videogames for military training." Military psychology 22.2 (2010): 143. Orvis, Karin A., Daniel B. Horn, and James Belanich. "An Examination of the Role Individual Differences Play in Videogame–Based Training." Military Psychology 21.4 (2009): 461-481. Tear, Morgan J., and Mark Nielsen. "Failure to Demonstrate That Playing Violent Video Games Diminishes Prosocial Behavior." PloS one 8.7 (2013): e68382.

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