What are "SLOW MOE'D Moorish portals" in comparison to "Moorish portals"?
Updated: Apr 22, 2024

Above is a screenshot of the video or SLOW MOE'D Moorish portal Logic - Upgrade (SLOW MOE'D) Cowboy Bebop『AMV』 end screen on YouTube.
Moorish portals regularly allude to architectural components found in structures affected by Moorish design. The maxim "Moorish" relates to the verifiable dark-skinned occupants of North Africa, the Maghreb, the Iberian Landmass, Sicily, & Malta during the Medieval times. However, etymologically the term "Moorish" according to David MacRitchie in his book 'Ancient and Modern Britons: Volume One' has relevance not only in medieval times but in the present as well according to English. Moorish science is portrayed not only by geometrical designs, horseshoe arches, & elaborate stonework as mentioned by Stanley Lane-Poole in his work 'The Story of the Moors in Spain' but also by speculative masonry in the present era by the philosophical contributions of Noble Drew Ali in his 'The Holy Koran of the Moorish Holy Temple of Science'. The scholar Ivan Van Sertima also verifies the mental & physical Moorish contributions to Europe & its influence on the rest of the world in his book 'African Presence in Early Europe'.

Above is a picture provided by Pexels of the pyramid (Mer Khut) of Zoser (Djoser), a creation of the Blacks (Egyptians, Moors, etc.) as stated by Robert Bauval in his book 'The Orion Mystery: Unlocking the Secrets of the Pyramids'.
SLOW MOE'D Moorish portals however deals with the metaphysical aspect of Moorish science as opposed to the physical architecture, i.e., Moorish arch, Mer Khut or pyramids, etc. by striving for spiritual aspiration. An example of this is described by the Priest, Author, lecturer, poet, philosopher, musician, publisher, counselor & spiritual preceptor Muata Ashby in his book 'The Serpent Power: The Ancient Egyptian Mystical Wisdom of the Enlightening Life Force'. SLOW MOE'D Moorish portals is a step towards a future where the idea of manipulating video & sound takes listeners & watchers to different levels of consciousness, introducing them to new forms of wisdom, thoughts, healing & other spiritual benefits. Sebai Muata Ashby goes on to mention in his book 'EGYPTIAN MYSTERIES: The Priests and Priestesses of Ancient Egypt' that in Ancient Egypt, theater & music were used for spiritual education & to maintain harmony between the individual & the universe, the soul & the Divine. The author Billy Carson also touches on the subject of the use of mysticism in sound in his book 'Compendium Of The Emerald Tablets'. By understanding these principles, SLOW MOE'D uses this knowledge for you via our portals (videos) & clothing, check out our SLOW MOE'D portals & also read about it in our post 'How to use SLOW MOE'D portals?'.

Above is a picture of Moorish portals or doorways by Pexels.com
Moorish portals, or entryways, are frequently enhanced with fancy carvings & embellishing components, exhibiting the talented craftsmanship of the period as mentioned in 'The Story of the Moors in Spain' as Stanley Lane-Poole gives accurate descriptions of the architecture throughout Spain, however, this architecture can be found all over the world as can be seen in our article 'The Allure of SLOW MOE’D Esoteric Clothing and Streetwear'.

Above is a picture of a large mosaic sculpture resembling a portal or doorway created by local artists in Houston, Texas. Directly & indirectly influenced by Moorish influence. Photo by Morrice Kennard, CEO of SLOW MOE'D LLC.
These gateways act as the entrances to different structures, like royal residences, mosques, & other strict designs, & they assume a huge part in mirroring the social & creative articulations of the time. Stanley Lane-Poole mentions in 'The Story of the Moors in Spain' how after the Moors were expelled due to Ferdinand & Isabella, & of the empire of Charles V, Spain has grovelled ever since in terms of arts, sciences, learning, & refined enlightenment.
Moorish design affected the advancement of Spanish & European civilization & engineering, with its persuasions obvious in different designs all through the district & the world. The transaction of calculation, balance, & perplexing plans in Moorish portals keeps on moving engineers & craftsmen towards discoveries in time & will continue to do so.