Consanguinity: Moorish Facts Not Known To The Blacks
Updated: Feb 20

Above is a picture of the tomb of Tutankhamun KV62 wall showing themselves dark-skinned or swarthy—the etymological name of the English word Moor, Greek: Mauros, Roman: Mauri.
Who were the Blacks before slavery? This is a question often asked in our present time in 2025 but without a solid explanation amongst themselves (the Blacks). There are culprits as to why this is, the main culprit is that Blacks don't understand consanguinity thoroughly. But what is consanguinity, and why is it specifically important to the Blacks? In this article, we will go over the Moorish facts not known by the dark-skinned or swarthy (Black) population of the world.
First and foremost, being a Moor has nothing to do with ISLAM, Arabs, or the Moorish Science Temple of America. Moor etymologically means any dark-skinned or swarthy person or Native of North Africa (Walter W. Skeat, The Concise Dictionary of English Etymology, 1993; Joel Augustus Rogers, Nature Knows No Color-Line, 1952; Dr. Ivan Van Sertima, Golden Age of Moor, 1991). Also, Humanity originated in Africa, the oldest Homo Sapien Sapien remains were found in South Ethiopia according to various scholars like Dr. Arthur Abernethy, Robert Bauval, Dr. Charles Finch III, Dr. Asa G. Hillard, Dr. Richard King, and Dr. Ivan Van Sertima. Race is a social construct and an illusion as there is only the human race, Robert Bauval states this in his book "Black Genesis: The Prehistoric Origins of Ancient Egypt".

How is this information important to the Blacks? Well, the very existence of time, medicine, science, mathematics, physics, astronomy, chemistry, language, spirituality, religion, agriculture, music, etc. has origins in Africa, however, because of European colonization and the Spanish Inquisition (see the book The Spanish Inquisition: Its rise, growth, and end by Jean Plaidy), the Blacks–dark-skinned or swarthy people–disassociate themselves from their ancestral and consanguineal connection to the African Motherland because of ignorance which was purposely set up against them for centuries a.k.a. prosecution of the Moors. The scholar Dr. Asa G. Hillard breaks this down with easy comprehension in the video below:
Above: Video from YouTube channel by Asahilliard Wisdom "Dr Asa Hilliard: Escaping The Matrix"
In our current time, the enemies of Blacks usually refer to this mentality as "victimhood" when the Blacks seek remedy which is a false concept because the ones who proclaim that the Blacks are posing as "victims" are themselves either ignorant of the history of the dark-skinned people calling themselves Black or have a secret motive against the Blacks and choose to hide the Blacks true history from them, which connects to Moorish and African history, which is simply human history. See the video below for an example of how ignorance may be used to deceive Black people about their lack of knowledge.
Above: Video from YouTube channel by Turning Point USA "Being A 'Victim' Isn't Cool, Chris"
As you can see from the video a simple answer from Chris could have been the history such as Mitchrondial Eve and knowledge discussed by way through our official website like our Shop, Blog, and Mystics pages. However, being Black or White is not a nationality; rather, being Moor means being a native of North Africa, Mauretania, Morocco, Mali, and so on, as well as having a dark complexion or being swarthy in English.
According to George G. M. James in his book "Stolen Legacy" says in his Appendix that:
"the Egyptians civilized the Greeks."
Also Dr. Muata Ashby in his book "Serpent Power" page. 12, says that:
"the Egyptians are colonists sent out by the Ethiopians, Asar having been the leader of the colony."
With the Blacks knowing these facts by these scholars and the fact that Africa is the Mitochondrial Eve, this knowledge simply reconnects the Blacks to their ancestry (Sankofa). However, according to English etymology, they are Moors.
It must be noted that the Jewish Freemason Sigmund Freud decided to go against the "powers that be" by publishing his papers in his book "Moses and Monotheism" accepting that Moses was Egyptian and that Judaism came from the teachings of Monotheism through Amenhotep IV (Akenaton) who was Egyptian and a Pharoah in Africa.
The scholar Stanley Lane-Poole in his book "The Story of the Moors in Spain" mentions the Moors (Berbers proper, according to his words) colonizing Spain and bringing Europe into the Renaissance. However, David MacRitchie in his books "Ancient and Modern Britons Vol. I and II" he mentions that the first colonizers of Scotland were Egyptian (Phoenicians) and were called Moors (dark-skinned or swarthy), Gypsies (Short for Egyptian), Picts, Faws, Pygmies, Piets, etc. he also said that they were savage but they introduced language and magic to Scotland and Ireland and the British Isles, Scota being the ancient name of Scotland which was named after an Egyptian princess. The name of Scotland being named after an Egyptian princess can be cross-referenced with Dr. John L. Johnson's book "The Negro Rulers of Scotland and the British Isles". In Dr. Johnson's own words:
"The Egyptian Princess Scota (B.C. 1300) fled Egypt and settled in Caledonia (which her descendants named Scotland in honor of her name Scota) and Ireland".
Above: Video from YouTube channel by Kaprooki "Dubh, the "Black" King of Scotland: Myth or Reality?"
"*Dubh means Niger, Duff, Duffy or a Black man"
Africans (Moors) created the concept of clowns, jongleurs, jugglers, etc. (David MacRitchie, Ancient and Modern Britons Vol. I & II).

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The alphabet comes from the Phoenicians (Africans/Moors) who got it from the Mdw Ntr (Kemites/Egyptians—Africans/Moors—hieroglyphs). English doesn't have a script and Latin comes from Greek, Greek comes from the Mdw Ntr, refer to the Rosetta Stone. Both of those languages wouldn't exist without African thought (Mitochrondial Eve).
Above video edited by Morrice, CEO of SLOW MOE'D LLC of Taj Tarik Bey breaking down what the leader guys don't want you to know.
Active Moors like the renowned YouTube famous Taj Tarik Bey, C. Freeman El, Abdullah El Talib Mosi Bey share knowledge (light) with the profane/public people (uninitiated) and then in turn by sharing the knowledge they've accumulated over decades can allow the public to do their research, unlike the various secret societies hoarding the knowledge of the history from the dark-skinned people who do not have a nationality in U.S. census bureau (Caste system) and call themselves: black, negro, colored, Afro American, African American, etc. However, one must always be skeptical when receiving knowledge, and check the sources of the information.

The Indigenous Americans—copper-colored peoples who are considered dark-skinned and swarthy according to English (David MacRitchie, Ancient and Modern Britons Vol. 1, page. 277, 1884) See below.

All in all, these are key facts not known specifically to the black, negro, colored, Afro American, African American, or simply put; dark-skinned people around the world that do not have their consanguineal understanding of Africa (Mitochondrial Eve). They are under attack and these facts are some of the remedies with hard proof and irrefutable evidence that show they have been severely miseducated of themselves by deception.
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