10 Books Moors (dark-skinned people) Should Read for 2024
Updated: Apr 22, 2024

Are you a black or African American in search of self-knowledge? Do you have dark skin & are longing for research that can instantly transport you to accurate information, like a portal? No need to look any further—at least for now—because this article will give you 10 books you should read for 2024.
Noble Drew Ali prepared this book in the early 20th century. He was one of the first Moors in the United States to make it known to the public blacks, negro, colored, African Americans, Afro-Americans, etc. that they were Moors by consanguinity. However, it is suspected that Noble Drew Ali was a freemason according to the scholar Malachi Z. York, who himself was a Shriner—a step above a freemason—in his book Secret Societies Unmasked. The Holy Koran details that the fallen people in North America are Asiatic & their history connects with Moorish history. In the book, he goes over Jesus' works & teachings in India, Europe & Africa. It's an eye-opener for the curious dark-skinned person but continue this article & use these other 9 books especially Nature Knows No Color-Line: Research into the Negro Ancestry in the White Race to get a deeper understanding of what the word Moor means etymologically.
This book was written by Joel Augustus Rogers a Jamaican-American author, journalist, & amateur historian—according to Wikipedia—who breaks down etymologically the meaning of Moor, Mor, Mohr, Moros & various other scores of names & how it means—& meant—dark-skinned people with irrefutable evidence from various accredited scholars. He provides pictures of coats-of-arms & heraldry throughout Europe of dark-skinned people of royalty, counting over 450+ images he discovered in his studies as stated in chapter 6.
Dr. Ivan Van Sertima gives hard evidence in this book of the origin of the Moors in English going back to when the word was first used among the tribes in Alkebulan (Africa) before the common era. He mentions how the history of the Moors in Europe before 711 A.D. has been purposely omitted from history in Chapter 1. It is important to note that he corrects the renowned Senegalese historian, anthropologist, physicist, & politician Cheikh Anta Diop in this book due to Diop's inaccuracy on the etymology of the word Moor in his book The African Origin of Civilization: Myth or Reality Chapter 3.
This is a must-read for anyone with dark skin in the Western hemisphere specifically because George Granville Monah James breaks down how so-called Greek philosophy is stolen from African philosophy & backs up his evidence with references from the Greek philosophers themselves. Considering the influence Greek culture had on the Western hemisphere this is a very important book for Moors & unconscious Moors (blacks, negro, colored, African Americans, Afro-Americans, etc.) to read. He details how the Greek philosophers received their knowledge of their sciences directly & indirectly from the Africans. He also gives the names & number of years various Greek philosophers went to Africa to study under their African teachers.
This book written by Dr. Muata Ashby goes over the mystical wisdom of the dark-skinned Kemetians (Egyptians)—Moors according to English etymology—science that was before the religions: Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, Christianity, etc. which they all incorporated from the Egyptian (Kemetic) mystery system. He gives pictures & translations of the Mdw Ntr (Hieroglyphs) of how this ancient wisdom of Neterianism can be applied to each individual with easy comprehension. He also answers various questions about life many individuals in the current society may not know the answers to, especially the direct descendants of that philosophy.
This work was written by Dr. John L. Johnson who details how every Scottish ruler & many English rulers are descendants of Moors, Fergus Moor being the father of them. He provides sketches, references from various books, websites & paintings of how the rulers of Scotland & the British Isles had dark complexioned or swarthy skin. He gives the names of each king & queen going back to Fergus Moor & breaks down the words Piets, Picts, Pygmys, Moors, etc. while providing scholarly references for self-study.
This 600+ page book written by the Kemetic priest & Kupigana Ngumi master Mfundishi Jhutymus Ka N Heru Hassan K. Salim details the whole history of Africa & how the spiritual principles can be applied to Africans in the diaspora. There is so much valuable information in this book for dark-skinned people that this paragraph cannot suffice, he breaks down the Mdw Ntchr (Hieroglyphs) alphabet, African spiritual principles that can be used right now, wrestling techniques that are over 5000 years old, trade languages Africans (Moors) in the diaspora can use instantly, etc.
This 200+ page book was written by Wayne B. Chandler who goes over the seven principles of Djehuty (Tehuti), the connection of Eastern countries' philosophies from ancient Africa & how that knowledge reached from Africa to Asia. He goes over how these sciences created by the Moors/Kemetians (Egyptians) have been applied throughout time & provided a large bibliography to back up his findings. Various information on geometry, astrology, cosmology, mathematics, history, etc. can be found in this work.
This book written by Dr. Richard King deals with the study of melanin & its connection to ancient Kemet. He mentions how the Kemetians (Egyptians) had vast knowledge of science, medicine, spirituality, etc. that allowed them to go far in discovering the hidden realms of consciousness in the mind, what the author referred to as the 'black dot' in the pineal gland of the brain. Through meditation & bodily discipline, one could reach higher levels of consciousness, this had a connection with the dark pigment in one's skin in comparison to the caucausoid he mentions to develop a calcified pineal gland by a certain age of adulthood. He goes on the mention that the human race originated in the continent of Alkebulan (Africa), & because of the climatal effects of the ice age, the caucasoid was created—not an insult, this is research. His melanin research references & bibliography takes up 20+ pages alone.
This work was written by Rafique Ali Jairazbhoy, who served 10 years in the Inner London Education Authority. In this book, he gives evidence supported by illustrations & various scholarly references of the connection between ancient Egyptian culture found among the ancient Americans consisting of the Mayans, Aztecs, Olmecs, etc. with side-by-side comparisons. He shows the connection between the pharaoh Ramses III's reign & the various statues, mounds, sites, etc. found in America.
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