Mu dheidhinn
Dè a th’ ann an SLOW MOE’D ?
Hi, I’m Morrice a.k.a. Moe the creator of SLOW MOE’D. It is a style of MAAT (Truth) expressed through our portals/videos, clothing & future endeavors.
I possess the mystic ability to send viewers to different portals, levels & dimensions through my various videos (which I call portals!). I create alternative stories to the videos original story/plot (whether it be animation (AMV), movies (MMV), games (GMV), etc.) with the use of various artists music & lyrics. The videos/portals send the viewer/listener into an multiverse, alternate reality, augmented reality, universe, etc. to have an visually pleasing, knowledge gaining & eargasmic experience all wrapped in what is called SLOW MOE'D.
I share free knowledge to the people with the help of ancient Moorish/Kemetic wisdom. I'm positive you will find this website entertaining & the knowledge here useful. Please share with your family & friends.
Dedicated to you ALL & to pay homage to artists in both music & animation that contributed to my growth as an individual.
Originator of Animation/Anime Slowed Alternative Reality #ASAR
Originator of Animation/Anime Slowed Artistic Rhythms #ASAR

Hi, is mise Morrice aka Moe a chruthaich SLOW MOE’D. Is e stoidhle Gràdh, Fìrinn, Sìth, Saorsa & Ceartas a th’ ann air a chuir an cèill tro na bhideothan ciùil agam, aodach & oidhirpean san àm ri teachd.
Tha an comas dìomhair agam luchd-amhairc a chuir gu diofar phuirt, ìrean & tomhasan tro na diofar bhideothan agam (ris an can mi portals!). Bidh mi a’ cruthachadh sgeulachdan eile seach na bhideothan sgeulachd/cuilbheart tùsail (ge bith an e beòthalachd (AMV), filmichean (MMV), geamannan (GMV), msaa) a th’ ann le bhith a’ cleachdadh ceòl is faclan de dhiofar luchd-ealain. Bidh na bhideothan / puirt a’ cur an neach-amhairc / neach-èisteachd a-steach gu ioma-ghnèitheachd, fìrinn eile, fìrinn leasaichte, cruinne-cè, msaa gus eòlas a tha tlachdmhor a thaobh fradharc, eòlas a tha a’ faighinn & eòlas eargasmic uile a bhith ceangailte ris an rud ris an canar SLOW MOE’D.
Bidh mi a’ roinn eòlas an-asgaidh dha na daoine le cuideachadh bho sheann ghliocas Moorish/Kemetic. Tha mi deimhinneach gum bi an làrach-lìn seo tarraingeach dhut & an t-eòlas an seo feumail. Feuch an roinn thu le do theaghlach is do charaidean.
Coisrigeadh dhut UILE & ùmhlachd a thoirt do luchd-ealain an dà chuid ann an ceòl & beòthalachd a chuir ri m’ fhàs mar neach fa-leth.
Neach-tòiseachaidh Anime a chuir maill air Reality Eile #ASAR
Neach-tòiseachaidh Anime a chuir maill air Rhythms Ealain #ASAR